Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Film: Flags of Our Fathers

"Every jackass thnks he know what war is. Especially those who never been in one. We like things nice and simple, good and evil, heroes and villains.There's always plenty of both. Most of the time, they are not who we think they are."

"I finally came to the conclusion that maybe he was right. Maybe there is no such things as heroes. Maybe they are just people like my dad.

I finally came to undersand why they were so umcomfortable being called heroes. Heroes are something we creat, something we need. It's a way for us to understand what is almost incomprehensible ,how people could sacrifice so much for us.

But for my dad and these man,the risks they took, the wounds they suffered,they did that for their buddies. They have fought for their country,but they died for their friends. For the man in front,for the man beside them. And if we wish to truly honor thses man, we should remember them the way they realy were, the way my dad remembered them. "

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